To provide relevant, accessible, high-quality technical education and skills development that will enable individuals to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for gainful employment and entrepreneurship, promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and contribute to the country's development. TESDA aims to provide opportunities for Filipinos to develop their full potential and become productive and responsible members of society. In pursuing its mission, TESDA upholds the values of excellence, equity, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of its stakeholders.
To be the leading provider of quality technical education and skills development
in the Philippines and a key player in the global market. TESDA envisions a country where all Filipinos
have access to quality and relevant technical education and skills development that will enable them to
compete and succeed in the global job market. TESDA also envisions a future where the country's technical
vocational education and training system is globally recognized for its excellence and innovation,
and its graduates are highly sought after by local and international employers. In pursuit of its vision, TESDA aims to
continuously improve and innovate its programs and services, strengthen partnerships with
stakeholders, and maintain high standards of governance and accountability.
Stands for transparency, excellence, service, dedication, accountability, innovation, and teamwork. It is committed to providing quality technical education and skills development programs that contribute to the country's economic growth and development. TESDA strives to provide excellent customer service, be transparent in all its dealings, hold itself accountable for its actions, and operate in an ethical and responsible manner. It encourages collaboration and teamwork among all stakeholders, while being open to new ideas and approaches to continuously improve its programs and services.
They offers various benefits to individuals who undergo its training programs. Some of the benefits of TESDA include:
Employability - TESDA equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to be employable in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, agriculture, hospitality, and information technology.
Career advancement - TESDA's training programs help individuals to upgrade their skills and knowledge, which can lead to better career opportunities and higher salaries.
Entrepreneurship - TESDA offers programs that teach individuals how to start and manage their own businesses, which can help them become self-employed and generate income for themselves and their families.
Industry recognition - TESDA provides certification to individuals who complete its training programs, which serves as proof of their skills and competence. This can help individuals gain recognition from employers and increase their chances of being hired or promoted.
Global competitiveness - TESDA's training programs are designed to meet international standards, which helps individuals to compete globally and take advantage of employment opportunities abroad.
Accessibility - TESDA offers training programs in various settings, including vocational schools, training centers, and community-based institutions, making it accessible to individuals in different locations and socio-economic backgrounds.
1. What is the PTQCS?
The Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS) defines a national comprehensive and flexible certification system for Technical-Vocational Education
and Training (TVET). The PTCACS is anchored on the competency requirements, as defined in the Training Regulations.
2. What is competency assessment?
It is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments on whether competency has been achieved. It focuses in assessing an individual's skills, knowledge,
attitude and work values relative to a unit or cluster of units of competency.
3. What is the basis for assessment and certification?
TESDA implements assessment and certification for all qualifications with promulgated Training Regulations.
The Training Regulation defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes/values required for competent performance in the workplace.
The competency requirements, as defined in the relevant Training Regulations shall be the take-off point of all corresponding qualifications,
assessment and certification in all industry sectors.
The list of promulgated Training Regulations may be accessed at the TESDA Website:
4. How is assessment conducted?
Assessment is conducted through any of the following evidence gathering methods: demonstration/observation with oral questioning,
written test, interview, third party report, portfolio and submission of work projects.
5. Who may apply for assessment?
Students, workers or any individuals who wants to determine his/her qualification level.
6. Where can one apply for assessment?
An individual may apply for assessment in any of the following:
a. Private TESDA-accredited assessment centers. The list of accredited assessment centers is uploaded in the TESDA website:
b. TESDA Regional and Provincial Offices
c. TESDA TVET Institutions-Assessment Centers
7. What are the requirements for assessment?
a. Duly-accomplished Application Form
b. Three (3) Passport size picture with name written at the back of each picture
c. Duly-Accomplished Self Assessment Guide
8. Who shall conduct the assessment?
Assessment shall be conducted by TESDA Accredited Competency Assessors
9. How much is the assessment fee?
The assessment fee is based on the list of fees promulgated by the TESDA Board and endorsed by the National Economic Development Authority.
10. Can the private TESDA-accredited assessment centers collect assessment fees?
Yes, the private TESDA-accredited assessment centers may collect assessment fee based on the TESDA Board promulgated assessment fee.
11. What is mandatory assessment?
Mandatory assessment is given to graduating students of WTR-registered programs. Assessment may be conducted in the facilities of the private
TVIs designated as assessment venues. However, assessment must be facilitated by the TESDA Regional/Provincial Office or the TTI-TACs immediately after training.
12. What is a National Certificate (NC)? A Certificate of Competency (COC)?
National Certificate is issued when a candidate has demonstrated competence in all units of competency that comprised a Qualification.
Certificate of Competency is issued to individuals who have satisfactorily demonstrated competence on a particular or cluster of units of competency.
13. What is the validity of the NC or COC?
The NC or COC is valid for five (5) years.
14. How can a holder renew his/her expired NC or COC?
In areas where new Training Regulations have been promulgated, holders of NC/COC shall upon expiration undergo competency assessment
based on the new competency standards and assessment tools in the absence of a new promulgated Training Regulations, holders of NC or COC
shall upon expiration be renewed upon request of holder and after verification in the RWAC.
16. Where do the applicant apply for renewal and/or replacement of NC or COC?
An individual may apply for renewal and/or replacement of NC or COC in the TESDA District or Provincial Office where the original NC or COC was issued.
17. How can one verify the validity of the NC or COC?
TESDA maintains the Online Registry of Certified Workers containing vital information on the pool of certified workers nationwide.
Access can be made by name, certificate number or by qualification. The registry is easily accessible thru the TESDA website: