TESDA or the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority was created on August 25, 1994, under the Republic Act No. 7796. It was established to address the need for a unified and comprehensive system of technical education and skills development in the Philippines. Prior to TESDA's creation, the responsibility for technical education and skills development programs was scattered across several government agencies, leading to a lack of coordination and inefficiencies in the system.

Under the TESDA Law, the agency was given the mandate to manage and supervise technical education and skills development programs in the country, including the development of competency standards, the accreditation of training institutions, and the assessment and certification of skills.

Over the years, TESDA has undergone various reforms and initiatives to further enhance its programs and services. In 2010, TESDA launched the Training for Work Scholarship Program, which provides free skills training to qualified individuals. In 2015, the agency introduced the TESDA Online Program, which offers free online courses in various skills and competencies.

Today, TESDA remains committed to its mission of providing quality technical education and skills development programs that contribute to the country's economic growth and development.


"TESDA's commitment to excellence, equity, accountability, and responsiveness in providing technical education and skills development is the stepping stone towards individual empowerment, economic progress, and national development, enabling Filipinos to reach their full potential and contribute to the growth and prosperity of their communities."


"TESDA envisions equipping Filipinos with skills and knowledge to compete globally while being recognized as a leader in technical vocational education and training through innovation, partnership, and good governance, providing quality and relevant technical education and skills development to pave the way for highly sought-after graduates."


"TESDA embodies transparency, excellence, service, dedication, accountability, innovation, and teamwork through the provision of quality technical education and skills development programs that contribute to the country's economic growth, while maintaining ethical and responsible operations, encouraging collaboration and continuous improvement among all stakeholders."