
Bridging the Skills Gap and Promoting Economic Growth!

The aim of providing technical-vocational education and training to Filipinos, particularly those who want to acquire new skills or upgrade their existing skills, is pursued by offering various scholarship programs that provide financial assistance to eligible individuals. These programs are designed to meet the demands of the industry and help bridge the skills gap in the Philippines.

TESDA Scholarships

Offers several types of scholarships to help individuals pursue technical-vocational education and training. Here are some of the most common TESDA scholarships:

Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)

The TWSP is a short-term training program that provides training courses that are aligned with the demands of the industry. It is open to unemployed or underemployed individuals who are interested in acquiring new skills or upgrading their existing skills. Under the TWSP, scholars can receive a training allowance, free training, and assessment fees, and free books and training materials.

Special Training for Employment Program (STEP)

he STEP is a community-based program that provides technical-vocational education and training to unemployed, underemployed, and out-of-school youth in a particular community. It is implemented in partnership with local government units and other community-based organizations.

Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA)

The PESFA is a scholarship program that provides financial assistance to students who wish to enroll in a private TVET institution. Under the program, the scholarship covers the full tuition and other school fees, training materials, and a daily allowance.

Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA)

The UAQTEA is a government program that provides free tuition and other school fees to qualified students in state universities and colleges (SUCs), local universities and colleges (LUCs), and state-run technical-vocational institutions (STVIs).

Benefits of TESDA Scholarships

Provide many benefits to eligible individuals. These benefits include:
  1. Free or subsidized training and assessment fees
  2. Free books and training materials
  3. Training allowance or daily allowance
  4. Opportunity to acquire new skills or upgrade existing skills
  5. Higher chances of securing employment or starting a business

Apply for Schoolarship!

If you are interested in applying for a TESDA scholarship, simply fill up the form below and we'll get in touch with you to provide more information about the programs available and guide you through the application process.

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